Design and Analysis of a Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for Sub-6 GHz Applications

Padmasree Ramineni *

Department of ECE, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge and Technologies, Basar, Telangana, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This paper explores the design, simulation, and analysis of a dual-band Microstrip patch antenna designed to operate efficiently at frequency ranges of 3.32 GHz - 3.62 GHz and 4.72 GHz - 6.83 GHz, utilizing Ansys High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software. The primary objective is to enhance performance metrics such as bandwidth, gain, and radiation efficiency to meet the requirements of applications necessitating concurrent operation at both frequency bands. The study involves a comprehensive design, iterative simulation, and detailed analysis using Ansys HFSS, with customized design considerations aimed at optimizing performance for modern wireless communication systems. The research was conducted in a simulated environment over a period that included iterative design processes, multiple simulation runs, and thorough analysis phases. Methodologically, the study focused on iterative design refinement to improve key performance parameters such as reflection coefficient, gain, radiation efficiency, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), and relative permittivity at the specified frequency bands. Results indicate that at 3.32 GHz - 3.62 GHz, the antenna achieves a reflection coefficient of -5 dB, a gain of 2.77 dB, a radiation efficiency of 0.7429, and a VSWR of 1.9299. At the higher frequency range of 4.72 GHz - 6.83 GHz, the antenna exhibits a reflection coefficient of -20.5213 dB, a gain of 3.34 dB, a radiation efficiency of 0.7, and a VSWR of 1.2203. These findings underscore the antenna's capability to deliver improved performance metrics across both frequency bands. In conclusion, the dual-band Microstrip patch antenna designed and analyzed through Ansys HFSS demonstrates significant potential for use in contemporary wireless communication systems, offering enhanced bandwidth, gain, and radiation efficiency suitable for multi-frequency applications.

Keywords: Ansys HFSS, antenna gain, dual-band antenna, microstrip patch antenna, radiation efficiency, reflection coefficient

How to Cite

Ramineni, Padmasree. 2024. “Design and Analysis of a Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for Sub-6 GHz Applications”. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports 26 (7):210-21.


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